Fire & Water Festival Open Mic

Fire & Water Festival Open Mic is going online while we are all self isolating due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK.

This will be a 30min premiere on our YouTube Channel celebrating great local talent!

11/04/20 – Hosted by Graham Windle

02/05/20 – Hosted by Hudson James

09/05/20 – A very special Orange Box Choir edition

16/05/20 – Hosted by Miss Airedale

23/05/20 – Hosted by Wonkypuss

30/05/20 – Hosted by Sowerby Bridge Fire and Water board member Isolde Davey

If you want to be featured in one of our episodes and are aged 18+, please email us a video of your Open Mic slot to:

This event is supported by

Orange Box young people’s centre

Thank you to

Sowerby Bridge Fire and Water

for letting us host this online event.

Sowerby Bridge Fire & Water rely on your donations to exist. Please donate generously: