Hire the building
The Fire Station has been used for conferences, seminars, exhibitions, informal meetings, craft shows and other sales and for music events and could be available to prospective non-commercial local community activities.
As our resources develop we hope to expand the hire space, and provide reception and toilets, with maybe a heating system as well!
Anyone wishing to discuss making use of the Fire Station should apply via info@sbfireandwater.co.uk
Our colleagues
We have links with, and in some cases are working with, a number of local groups and organisations:
- Calderdale Theatre School,
- Imagineer Community Interest Company,
- The Puzzle Hall Community Pub,
- Phoenix Bowmen,
- Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing.
All are sharing in the use of parts of our buildings and contributing to what we are striving to do.
E P Technical Events has lead the way in using our Fire Station events space for Open Mic sessions and concerts and we are immensely grateful for the efforts put in by this company.
The Works pub (now the Hollins Mill pub), and EPS Plant Hire are regular supporters in kind without whom we could do very little and other vital supporters include contractors D D Porter Ltd, J Jagger & Sons Ltd, Sugden Bros Ltd, Skyblazers, J & C Joel and Thunderfix. We have continuing links with Halifax Canoe Club, Sowerby Bridge Snails, Christ Church, St Pauls Church, Sowerby Bridge Library, Sowerby Bridge Rotary, Norland WI and a host of local businesses and groups in and around the town.
Calderdale Theatre School have been using some of our space for storing their props and costumes and when we can manage it will take over a portion of the frontage buildings for more permanent storage and as rehearsal space.
Imagineer are working with us to develop one of our buildings as their headquarters from where they will deliver their Beat It music events and training to disadvantaged people across the borough.
We have 2 STEAM ambassadors who will set up educational sessions within part of our buildings once the accommodation is available.
The town Library has welcomed our invitation to expand their service into a part of our building, using it to develop children’s story time sessions.
We also have a massive artistic community of friends who have come together to create our annual Winterlight street festivals and other performances and as a result some of our performances have spread to other parts of the country.
We have 2 STEAM ambassadors who will set up educational sessions within part of our buildings once the accommodation is available. (STEAM Ambassadors are volunteers from a wide range of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) related jobs and disciplines across the UK. They offer their time and enthusiasm to help bring STEAM subjects to life and demonstrate the value of them in life and careers.)